Field visit

Field visit is an educational procedure by which the learners obtain first hand information by observing places, objects, phenomena and processes in their natural setting. The purpose of the field visit is:
  • To provide real life situations for first hand information. 
  • To supplement classroom instructions.
  • To serve as a pre view of a lesson and gather instructional material. 
  • To verify previous information, class discussion & to conclude individual experience.
  • To create situational teaching for cultivating observation, keenness and discovery. 
  • To serve as a means to develop positive attitudes, values and specific skills.

Educational visit

Educational visits have been an important part of the teaching and learning process. These visits provide an opportunity to have first hand information about the agency or the institution in their natural environment. Educational visits will help the students to get knowledge of community and other health care agencies, their functions, and to familiarize with various types and number of health resources available in a selected community where educational visits can be organized. This will also help the students to critically evaluate the resources in order to make appropriate referrals or use these for planning and implementing various health programmes. 
Some of the visits planned for the students are:
1. Indian Red Cross Society
2. Old Age Homes
3. Schools for Disabled Children
4. The association for the Mentally Challenged
5. Rain water harvesting theme park
6. Rehabilitation center
7. Leprosy hospital
8. T B Hospital
9. Cancer Society
10. Primary, Urban and Rural Health centres
11. Girl’s Shelter Home
12. Walkathon in view of Lok Sabha Election