National Youth Day

The NSS Unit of R V College of Nursing actively participated in National Youth Day on 12/01/2024 organized by Ramakrishna Mutt at Vivekananda Centenary Auditorium, Bull temple road, Basavanagudi, Bengaluru between 8am to 1pm.

The chief guest of the programme was Sri Vivek Alva, Managing trustee, Alvas Institute, Mangalore and Swami Mangalanathanandaji Maharaj, Speaker for the programme.

The programme was inaugurated with lighting the traditional lamp.  Sri Vivek Alva the chief guest addressed the august gathering regarding thoughts of Swami Vivekanand and highlighted on “Weakness is Sin” to youths of various institution followed which Swami Mangalanathanandaji Maharaj, spoke about Swami Vivekanand ideas for youth and stressed on to keep “Faith in the goodness” and about moral integrity. 

The programme concluded with Bhajan and light refreshment.

World Cancer Day

The Department of Child Health Nursing & NSS Unit of R V college of Nursing in association with Red Ribbon club and Indian Cancer Society (Regd) Bangalore Chapter Jayanagar, Bengaluru observed World Cancer Day by conducting Rally and Mime on 05.02.2024 between 8am to 10 am at Maya’s Junction Jayanagar IV Block, Bengaluru.

The Rally started at 08 am by our  students from R V College of Nursing to Maya’s Junction While doing Rally our students displayed Pug cards and distributed pamphlets to the public containing information on Cancer and its prevention   followed by   by   welcome speech  was done by Mr. Chethan Kumar M R, Associate  professor, Department of Community Health Nursing  followed by  our students of Basic BSc Nursing I semester students  started  Mime & highlighted on early detection of breast cancer and management of Breast cancer.

Mr. Kamat -Management Committee Member, Mrs.Chandrakala –Accounts and Admin Head and Jveria Fathima Programme coordinator of Indian Cancer Society, Bangalore Chapter attended the program. Around 100 students participated in the event. The event had good gathering of more than 100 people around the Mime. The students were displayed plug cards containing information on cancer. At last vote of thanks was done by Dr. Balaji M S Associate Professor, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing.

The event was appreciated by public as it was successful in bringing insights on Cancer and its prevention. The students and organizers were treated with refreshments.

Women's Day

NSS Unit of  RV College of Nursing Organized International Women’s Day  at Auditorium, RV College of Nursing, Jayanagar, 4th Block, Bengaluru on 09/03/2024

The Program was started at 12.00 am. The Chief guest of the programme was Smt. Vijaya E Ravikumar, Joint Director (Admin), Department of School Education, Government of Karnataka, The Guest of honor, Smt. Mamata N, Professor, R V College of Nursing and the program Presided by Dr. S R Gajendra Singh, Principal  R V College of Nursing Bengaluru.

A small token of gift was given to all the female faculty and staff members of the R V College of nursing including Class 4 Female helpers by RV Family. The celebration of International women’s Day 2024 was successfully completed. The events were remarkable and fulfilled their purpose of making the girls realize that every day is her day.

National Deworming Day

As a part of NSS regular activity we from R.V college of Nursing along with Principal and Faculty organized National Deworming Day & Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day at R V Girls High School, R V Road, Bengaluru on 21/02/2024.

The program was started at 11:00am by welcoming the guests, faculty & school children by Mrs. Vandana, Asst Mistress, R V Girls High School, R V Road Bangalore. The resource persons for the program were Dr. Sheela J, HOD OBG Department, RVCN & Mrs. Gauthami H, HOD Child Health Nursing Department, RVCN.  Mrs. Gauthami H, HOD Child Health Nursing Department addressed the gathering on Deworming- its importance for children, dosage, benefits & adverse effects management of it.  Dr. Sheela J, HOD OBG Department, addressed the gathering regarding importance of sexual & reproductive health, secondary sexual changes happening in adolescents & also spoke regarding the menstrual hygiene. Mrs. Bettamma, Art & Craft Teacher, R V Girls High School, R V Road Bangalore rendered vote of thanks to the Guest’s, faculty and the gathering.

Around 100 school children have actively participated for this program. The programme ended by 12:30am with distribution of light refreshment and handing over informative handouts. The school children clarified all their doubts on deworming, sexual & reproductive health and expressed that health education was beneficial for them.

AIDS Awareness Program

NSS volunteers from RV College of nursing in association with Red Ribbon Club and Aster RV Hospital organized AIDS Awareness program at auditorium,   RV College of nursing on 11/03/2024.

The aim of the program was to bring attention to the growing number of people living long and full lives with HIV and about their health and social needs and also to educate the general mass about the prevention and treatment of HIV. The Basic B.Sc Nursing Students of RVCN actively participated in the Scientific Session. 

Dr. Bhawana M, Consultant Obstetrical and Gynecology, Aster RV hospital, Dr. Dhathri S, Specialist in OBG, Aster RV Hospital, Dr. S R Gajendra Sigh, Principal, R V College of Nursing, Bengaluru inaugurated the program by Lighting the lamp.

Dr. Bhawana M, Consultant Obstetrical and Gynecology, Aster RV hospital, educated the students regarding AIDS and also they explained the meaning, Causes, clinical manifestation and Diagnostic investigation of AIDS and Dr. Dhathri S, Specialist in OBG, Aster RV Hospital, and Bengaluru focused on Management and prevention of AIDS to the nursing students. 

Overall 100 to 120 Students were actively participated for this programme. The program was ended by distributing the pamphlets to the audience. The group expressed that the health awareness program was beneficial for them.

Awareness Program on Menstrural hygiene

NSS volunteers from RV College of nursing in association with Red Ribbon Club and Aster RV Hospital organized AIDS Awareness program at auditorium,   RV College of nursing on 11/03/2024.

The aim of the program was to bring attention to the growing number of people living long and full lives with HIV and about their health and social needs and also to educate the general mass about the prevention and treatment of HIV. The Basic B.Sc Nursing Students of RVCN actively participated in the Scientific Session. 

Dr. Bhawana M, Consultant Obstetrical and Gynecology, Aster RV hospital, Dr. Dhathri S, Specialist in OBG, Aster RV Hospital, Dr. S R Gajendra Sigh, Principal, R V College of Nursing, Bengaluru inaugurated the program by Lighting the lamp.

Dr. Bhawana M, Consultant Obstetrical and Gynecology, Aster RV hospital, educated the students regarding AIDS and also they explained the meaning, Causes, clinical manifestation and Diagnostic investigation of AIDS and Dr. Dhathri S, Specialist in OBG, Aster RV Hospital, and Bengaluru focused on Management and prevention of AIDS to the nursing students. 

Overall 100 to 120 Students were actively participated for this programme. The program was ended by distributing the pamphlets to the audience. The group expressed that the health awareness program was beneficial for them.

World Malaria Day

The world malaria day was organized on 25/04/2024 by NSS unit of R.V College of Nursing. The motive behind in organizing the health talk on malaria was to create awareness regarding malaria causes and its prevention which is conducted at Yelachenahalli PHC, Bengaluru. 

This year’s theme is “Accelerate the Fight Against Malaria for A More Equitable World”. The program was inaugurated by Dr. Anusha Reddy, Medical Officer, Yelachenahalli PHC, and Mrs. Gowramma, PHC Staff Nurse at 11:00 am. 

Ms. Noon, I year M.Sc. Student welcomed the Guests and the beautiful gathering. Dr. Anusha Reddy, Medical Officer, Yelachenahalli PHC, addressed the gathering and highlighted on causes of malaria in community areas. Mr. Naveen, I year M.Sc. Student spoke on the theme of the day and enlighten gathering with malaria causes, innovation and its prevention. Around 20-30 participants actively participated and the programme concluded by clarifying doubts of general public and distributing refreshment.

World Tuberculosis Day

The World Tuberculosis Day was organized on 24/03/2024 by NSS unit of R.V College of Nursing. The motive behind in organizing the health talk on tuberculosis was to create awareness regarding tuberculosis causes, Symptoms diagnostic studies, its management and prevention which is conducted at Yelachenahalli PHC, Bengaluru.  This year’s theme is “Yes! We can end TB” The program was inaugurated by Dr. Anusha Reddy, Medical Officer, Yelachenahalli PHC, and Mrs. Gowramma, PHC Staff Nurse at 12:00 pm. 

Mrs Anitha Rani, NSS Programme Officer welcomed the Guests and the beautiful gathering. Dr. Anusha Reddy, Medical Officer, Yelachenahalli PHC, addressed the gathering and highlighted on symptoms of tuberculosis. Mr. Naveen, I year M.Sc. Student spoke on the theme of the day and enlighten gathering with tuberculosis causes, DOT therapy and its prevention. Around 20-30 participants actively participated and the programme concluded by clarifying doubts of general public and distributing refreshment.


International National Youth Day

National Youth Day was celebrated on 20th January, 2023 in association with Karnataka State AIDS Prevention Society & District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit, BBMP. 2nd year BSc Nursing students secured first prize in a short film on AIDS prevention in view of National Youth Day 2023.

International Youth Day was celebrated on 12th August 2023 on the theme “Green Skills for Youth: Towards a Sustainable World”. The Chief Guest of the programme was Dr. H.R. Shivakumar, K.A.S, Administrative officer of K.E.A Bengaluru. The resource person of the programme was Dr. Krishne Gowda, Rtd. Associate Professor, National College, Bengaluru. Dr. S.R Gajendra Singh, Principal, RV College of Nursing delivered the presidential address and felicitated the dignitaries. The programme ended with Vote of Thanks followed by National Anthem.

World Cancer Day

World Cancer Day was observed in association with Indian Cancer Society Bangalore on 4th February 2023. This year’s theme was “Close The Care Gap – together we fight against cancer”. Students performed a flash mob organised opposite to Hotel Maiyyas Junction, Jayanagar, 4th Block.

Visit by Hof University of Applied Sciences

Hof University of Applied Sciences, Germany visited our college on 6th February 2023 and was represented by Prof. Dr Dr.(h.c.) Jürgen Lehmann, President of Hof University of Applied Science, Prof. Dr. Gerald Schmola, Dean, Department of Interdisciplinary and Innovative Sciences and Mr. Martin Patrick, Marketing Manager, Integro Infotech and Consulting. They were interested in discussing possibilities of collaboration for a new programme they are planning to set up in the field of Nursing.

National Deworming Day

In view of National Deworming Day, a school health programme on the theme “Make Every Child in the Country Worm Free” was conducted at Modern Education Society, Government Aided School, 4th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore on 10th February 2023.

Kannada Rajyotsava

Kannada Rajyotsava was celebrated on 30th November, 2023. The Chief Guest of the programme was Prof. V. Girish Chandra, Vice Chancellor, Karnataka Sanskrit University, Bangalore. The Guest of Honour was Dr. K. Muralidhar, Deputy Commissioner, BBMP.

Teacher’s Day

In commemoration of the birth anniversary of Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan, RV College of Nursing celebrated Teacher’s Day on 8th September 2023 at D.A. Pandu Memorial RV Dental College’s auditorium. The Chief Guests of the programme were Dr. L. Hanumanthaiah, Member of parliament, Rajya Sabha (Karnataka), Dr. B. L. Sujatha Rathod, Director, Directorate of Medical Education, Bangalore. The Guests of Honour were Sri Sreenatha Rathnakumar, Scientist, ISRO, Bengaluru and Dr. Bindu Mathew, Dean, Faculty of Nursing, RGUHS, Bangalore. The ceremony began with Naadageethe and by welcoming the august gathering. The traditional lamp was lighted by the dignitaries on the dais and the following awardees were honoured:

  • Dr. Ramachandra, Former Professor & HOD of Nursing, NIMHANS, Bengaluru
  • Sr. Marina, Campus Superior & Nursing Superintendent, St. Philomena’s hospital, Bengaluru
  • Dr. Shivalingappa, Former Secretary KSDNEB, Bengaluru
  • Lt. Col. (retd.) Hemalatha Rajagopal, Former Principal , Army College of Nursing, MH Jalandhar Cantt.
  • Prof. B.H. Rajashekaraiah, Former principal, RV College of Nursing Bangalore
  • Dr. Anand Rao, Former Professor of Psychology, Govt. College of Nursing, Bangalore
  • Dr. Gnana Murthy, Language National Trainer, Bharathiya Bhasha Gnanapeet, Bengaluru

The following teachers were felicitated at home on 2nd September for their contribution towards nursing profession and nursing education and a video message from them was displayed during the ceremony.

  • Prof. Radha Shenoy, Former Principal, Govt. College of Nursing, Bengaluru
  • Prof. M.C. Belliappa, Govt. College of Nursing, Bengaluru
  • Smt. Vijayalakshmi, Retired Nursing Tutor, Govt. College of Nursing, Bengaluru

The dignitaries on the dais addressed the gathering and highlighted on the importance of expressing gratitude to all the teachers in one’s life. The presidential address was delivered by Dr. S. R. Gajendra Singh, Principal, RV College of Nursing and BOS Chairman (UG), RGUHS. The programme came to an end by extending gratitude to all who joined the event and by singing the National Anthem.

World Mental Health Day

RV College of Nursing organised World Mental Health Day in collaboration with District Mental Health Programme Induction and BBMP, to increase awareness on mental health, on 17th October 2023 at RV College of Nursing Auditorium. The Chief Guests of the programme were Sri. Raghavendra Shettygar, Senior Civil Court Judge and Deputy Secretary, Karnataka State Law Services, Bengaluru, Dr. Rajini P. Deputy Director (Mental Health) Karnataka Government, Bengaluru, Dr. A .S . Balasunder, Chief Medical Officer, BBMP, Dr. Girish Rao S, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology, NIMHANS, Bengaluru, Sri S Bhadrinath, Deputy Police Commissioner, Crime – 2 Bengaluru Urban, Dr. Venkatesh T, Town Planning Officer, BBMP, Dr. Suresh G K, Medical Officer, South Region, BBMP, Dr. Kumar M V, Program, DMHP, BBMP, Dr. Madhusudhan Health Medical Officer, Jayanagara Region, BBMP and Dr. Vikram Arunachalam, Psychiatrist, DMHP, Bengaluru. The programme was presided over by Dr. S R Gajendra Singh, Principal, RV College of Nursing.

World Parkinsons Day

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative condition that worsens over time and mostly affects the nervous system, which controls various body components. Parkinson’s disease results from a drop-in dopamine levels caused by damage to brain nerve cells. Tremors, stiffness, loss of balance, and slow movement are a few signs of Parkinson’s disease. Parkinson’s disease typically begins slowly, with hardly perceptible tremors. Among the cognitive effects of Parkinson’s disease include amnesia, dementia, and trouble understanding and reasoning. World Parkinson Day is celebrated every year to increase public awareness of this disorder. It is observed  on 11th April.

This year to make a greater impact of the day R V College of Nursing under the banner of NSS arranged  a scientific session on Parkinson’s Disorder on 12th April 2024  for nursing faculty & students at RVCN auditorium.

Dr. Sreekanta Swamy, Lead Consultant and Head of Neurology, Aster R V Hospital, J P Nagar Bangalore was resource person of the day. The scientific session highlighted on causes, symptoms, pathophysiology and management of Parkinsons Disorder.Sir also briefed on the difference between Parkinsons Disease and Parkinsonism which can be a manifestation of other disease.

Dr S R Gajendra Singh principal RVCN delivered the presidential speech and extended vote of thanks to Dr Sreekanta Swamy for his enriching scientific session Around 140 participants attended the session and were benefitted Mrs Gauthami H Asso Professor was the master of ceremony and session was organized by Mrs Mamata N,HOD,Dept of MSN. The event ended with vote of thanks and presenting memento to the resource person as a gesture of gratitude.

State Level Judo Competition

Mr. Akash of 1st year Basic B.Sc Nursing won 3rd prize in the State Level Judo Competition organised by Karnataka Government.

Safe Injection Practice

Nursing Conference was organised in association with Aster Hospital on “Safe InjectionPractice” on 12th October 2022. The dignitaries were Dr. Nitish Shetty, Regional Director, Karnataka & Maharashtra Aster Cluster-Administrators, Dr. S R Gajendra Singh, Board of Studies – UG Chairman & Principal, RV College of Nursing, Bangalore, Mr. Ramesh Kumar S, Chief Executive Officer, Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore, Dr. Prashanth, Chief Executive Officer, Aster RV Hospital, Bangalore, Mr. Arun Kumar, Chief Operating Officer, Aster Whitefield Hospital, Bangalore, Mr. Durga Prasanna, General Manager-HR, Aster Hospitals, Karnataka & Maharashtra Cluster, Bangalore and Dr. Rohini Paul, Chief Nursing Officer, Aster Hospitals Karnataka Cluster, Principal Allied Health Sciences, Aster CMI, Bangalore.

Oath-taking and Graduation Ceremony

Oath-taking Ceremony for the 20th Batch and Graduation Ceremony for the 16th Batch was
held on 22nd October, 2022. Chief Guest of the event was Dr. C.N. Manjunath, Director,
Professor and Head od Cardiology, Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and
The guests of honour were :

  • Dr. Y.S.R. Murthy, Vice Chancellor, RV University, Bengaluru
  • Dr. Bindu Mathew, Dean, Faculty of Nursing, RGUHS, Bengaluru
  • Dr. Ramachandra, Consultant, Clinical Nursing Service, NIMHANS, Bengaluru
  • Sri Syed Shahameer, Registrar, RV Educational Institutions, Bengaluru

The ceremony was presided over by Shri. Venkatesh Babu, Chairman, Governing Council, RVCN and Trustee, RV Educational Institutions

Visit from Government of Newfoundland and Labrador

The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada delegation comprising of four members namely, Ms. Katie Norman, Assistant Deputy Minister, Immigration and Population Growth, Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills, Ms. Lynn Power, Executive Director, College of Registered Nurses of Newfoundland and Labrador, Mr. Kamrul Islam, Senior Manager, Foreign Qualification Recognition, Department of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills and Ms. Lilly Selvaraj, Immigration Programme Development Officer, Office of Immigration and Multiculturalism visited RV College of Nursing on the 25th of November 2022 to gain a better understanding of the nursing education system in India and to acquaint the nursing students about their province and details on the types of jobs available to qualified candidates.