The Cultural Committee of RV College of Nursing aims to inculcate and imbibe in the students the concept of Unity in Diversity andprovide students a platform to explore their interests. It strives to become a committee that can give a platform for the students to showcase their creative acumen while giving ideal to the rich cultural heritage of our country.


  1. Provide a platform for the students to showcase their talents.
  2. To enable students to exhibit the skills to organize an event.
  3. Holistic development of the personality.


  1. The cultural events will be organized by the Committee in the college regularly and shall be conducted as per the schedule. The students shall be coordinating the event with the guidance of the faculty members.
  2. To communicate about various cultural events to be celebrated in the college and give a wide publicity.

Composition of the Committee

Membership: The core student committee will consist of five members. These students will be selected based on their participation in cultural activities and their interest to organize and conduct cultural events


Sl. No. Name of the staff Designation Position
01 Dr. S R Gajendra Singh Principal PRESIDENT/PRINCIPAL
02 Ms. Marlin Suja V Nursing faculty SNA ADVISOR
03 Mrs. Gauthami H Nursing faculty SNA VICE PRESIDENT
04 Ms. Sochitha 2nd Year B.Sc Nursing SNA SECRETARY
05 Ms. Monica 3rd Year B.Sc Nursing SNA TREASURER
06 Mr. Akash 2nd Year B.Sc Nursing SPORTS STUDENT SECRETARY